Discover the gentle, natural heat that works wonders for your body and mind.

Infrared light is a type of natural energy your eyes can't see, but your body can feel as heat. The warmth you feel is like air exposed to the sun. This type of heat is much more enjoyable and beneficial than the traditional hot studio that heats the room by circulating the air through HV/AC or plumbing which makes it processed and dirty. Infrared light heats YOU, not the air in the room.


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With modern technology we create this form of light absorption which also provides numerous therapeutic benefits. These benefits are well documented and include increased blood flow, decreased inflammation, weight loss and glowing skin to name a few.

Why wouldn't you want a workout that's actually working for you too?

Detoxify you
improve cardiovascular health
Improve your Skin 
normalize blood pressure
improve blood circulation and flexibility
relieve joint pain and stiffness
improve metabolism
Accelerate weight loss
decrease daily cortisol levels and improve sleep

infrared HEAT WILL...

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